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  • Writer's pictureIAZ IONESCU


Updated: Jun 2, 2023

Captioning your social media posts can be tricky, whether it's captions for Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.

Avid Instagrammers will know how hard it can be to create captions off the top of their head - they need to be witty, quick and entertaining, all while keeping SEO factors in mind and including phrases that users will actually search for. 💻💭

It's definitely not easy to create a good caption, but it's not impossible! Read more for our top tips on effective Instagram captioning...


Captions are one of the best ways of connecting with your audience, they can tell a story, ask a question or just be a fun and entertaining way of keeping your followers up-to-date. One of the most important factors of a successful caption is to be as authentic as possible - it's a great time to show off your ethos, personality or what you stand for.

Keeping the tone of voice for your brand consistent throughout all platforms will make your brand seem more genuine and trustworthy - which is exactly what you want to show to your audience! 👭


Instagram has increased its caption length from year-to-year but it's important to remember that no one is on Instagram to read a novel, at least no one we know! Get your point across in a concise manner, keep it informal and definitely include a CTA, usually placed at the end of a caption.

Try to keep your caption to around 200 characters, this will give you enough to connect with your followers, but also not loose anyone on the trip through your social media posts.


Recently, there has been more research that has shown users that SEO also heavily applies to captions on social media - using terms that people are more likely to search for within your caption could boost your post's engagement.

Research what hashtags your competitors are using and use tools such as Google Trends to know exactly which terms are most searched for! 💡


That was our quick guide on Instagram captions and how to write them effectively, but if you need an extra helping hand - we're here, email us at

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